Detailed baggage policies are provided by Qatar Airways to ease up the travel. Checked and carry-on baggage policies differ according to cabin class.
Checked baggage allowance is determined by route and travel class.
Economy Class: Passengers are usually permitted 23-30 kg per bag (varies by ticket type + destination)
Business and First Class: These classes can allow significantly more in total, often up to a limit of 50 kg (ylg). Multiple pieces or heavier bags are possible.
Special Baggage: Qatar Airways provides packing instructions for some items considered special baggage, such as sports equipment or musical instruments; if these pack up within a certain size and weight, they may count as regular baggage. Oversized and excess baggage fees apply if limits are exceeded.
Carry-on rules vary by class:
Economy class: One item not exceeding 7 kg that meets certain dimensions
Business and First Class: 2 pieces @ 15 kg max total
Carry-on baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments or under the seat ahead and typically includes a secondary item such as a laptop, duty-free purchases, etc.
Individuals can also pre-buy additional luggage via a on-line prior to departure for a reduced price. You can incur additional fees for excess, oversize or other pieces beyond allowed limits. Special baggage fees depending on the route and travel class can vary between some
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