IELTS is the entry ticket to study abroad, one has to clear this benchmark to put a step on foreign land. Today, our discussion is revolving around what to do a day before the IELTS Exam.
It is quite natural for students to get jitters a day before the exam. Many thoughts block their mind like if they fail what to do next if stuck in writing in generating ideas and so on. But keep in mind these are just thoughts not reality. Keep them shut!
On the day of the IELTS Exam, students have to relax both physically and mentally.
In this article, we will discuss some tips in all modules which one has to follow a day before the exam.
Before one day of your exam, just do revision does not learn anything fresh. Use your energy on revising rather than start something new. Last-minute changes are undesirable.
Give time to relax
Give time to relax your mind don’t cram anything at the last moment, otherwise, you will feel more confused.
Assemble essential things
To avoid last moment hassle on test day, it will be good to make a list of things that you will take with you like ID documents and stationery .Taking a double-check of your test location is also advisable.
Sleep well
Doesn’t be a night owl, a day before an IELTS exam otherwise you will feel exhausted in the test. Take a proper sleep so that you will feel energized and maintain concentration throughout.
On the day of the IELTS exam tip:
You have prepared the syllabus well for your exam. Now, check some tips for exam day.
As IELTS Exam is 2 hours 40 minutes long so students have to be energized enough to attempt their exam and spend this time concentrating.
Aspirants are advised to wear comfortable attire because you are not marked for your appearance so be restful.
Aspirants make sure to arrive early at the exam center on the test day. If you are late then, you will lose a percentage of concentration due to nervousness.
Do not go anywhere during exam like a restroom. You have to freshen up before otherwise you will lose your valuable time by doing all this and this will affect your score.
No gadget is allowed in the IELTS exam room
Aspirants are advised to take a pencil and eraser. Any type of helping material is not allowed like dictionary etc. For speaking test, only ID is allowed.
Candidates are advised to attentively listen to the instructions which are given before the test.
Candidates make sure to go into the test with a clear mindset. Do not feel nervous, stay calm and confident.
Check for technical issues like whether headphones are working properly or not. If you find any issue then raise your hand and ask for change or check.
Read the questions carefully in the time given for reading. Try to give a quick look at all the questions before recording.
Read the instructions attentively if its written “not more than two words” then candidate has to write two words only.
Last 10 minutes are allotted to transfer answers to the sheet, carefully transfer them and check spellings and grammar.
Aspirants are advised to write answers in capital letters.
IELTS Reading tips:
Read the instructions attentively if it is written “not more than one-word” then candidate has to write one word only.
If you are unable to find the answer to one question, don’t waste time on that, move on. Keep an eye on the clock.
In reading, no extra time will be allotted to transfer answers on the sheet, so directly write them on the answer sheet.
Always read questions first, and then look for answers because your aim should be finding answers from the passage not to understand it.
Aspirants are advised to write answers in capital letters like listening.
IELTS Writing tips:
As this is already understood that total time given for IELTS writing task 1 and 2 is 60 minutes so, candidates are advised to spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2.
Given word limit for task 1 and 2 is at least 150 words and 250 words respectively. But candidates are advised to write up to 180 and 280 words for task 1 and task 2 respectively.
Don’t count words count lines otherwise you will lose a few minutes in this.
Consume starting few minutes in planning for both tasks.
At the end give a quick check to your writing like spelling errors etc.
Use the time sensibly.
IELTS Speaking tips:
When you are waiting for your turn at that you can listen to any English-speaking video, so that your confidence builds up.
Speaking test is like a conversation between examiner and student, so don’t take it as a formal interview.
In the first part of the test, listen attentively and give neither too short nor too long answers. This is for two parts 1 and 2.
Add complete information to your answers and speak until the examiner stops you.
Be fluent. Don’t focus on your weak points like grammar or vocabulary. Because these carry 25% -25% weightage.
Don’t worry about your accent, be original.
Students are advised not to worry about in-between interruptions. These are a normal part of IELTS speaking test.
In cue-card topic its fine to look into your notes which you will prepare.
These were a few tips that one can follow a day before the IELTS exam, on the test day, and during the IELTS test. Above all “hard work is the key to success”, so prepare well during the time which you are using for laying groundwork of your IELTS exam.
Finding Inner Peace: 10 Ways to Calm Your Mind Before Your Exam
1 .Mindful Breathing: Spend some time practicing deep breathing exercises. Breathe deeply through your nostril, hold it for several seconds, and then exhale slowly with your mouth. This can ease stress and encourage relaxation.
2 .Visualize success: Take a moment to close your eyes. Imagine entering an exam area confidently, completing every question without difficulty, and completing the test with a sense of accomplishment. Positive visualization can increase your confidence and ease your anxiety.
3 .Progress Reflection: Remember the effort and preparation you’ve spent studying for the test. Review what you’ve learned and the information you’ve gained. This will improve your confidence and assure you that you’re up to the challenge.
4 .Be present instead of thinking about the results of the test or dwelling on mistakes from the past. Be focused on the present. Focus on the task in the present, whether that’s reviewing your notes or participating in a relaxing pastime, and let the negative thoughts concerning the future.
5 .Be organized: Make a list of everything you’ll need for exam day, including identification, such as pencils, erasers, and exam guidelines. Knowing that you’re prepared will reduce anxiety and keep your mind at ease.
6 .Positive Affirmations: Repetition affirmations that are positive to you, like “I am prepared,” “I am capable,” and “I will do my best.” Affirmations can help you overcome negative thoughts and increase confidence in your abilities.
7 .Make Time for Breaks: It is important to break during the day to take a break and recharge. Whether it’s taking an hour-long walk, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing a favorite activity, breaks can aid in preventing burnout and keeping your mind at ease.
8 .Beware of Distractions: Reduce the distractions around you by shutting off your mobile, closing any unnecessary tabs on your laptop, and finding a quiet area to relax or study. Making sure you are in a peaceful and focused space will help you focus better and decrease anxiety.
9 .Concentrate on Self-Care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being by getting enough rest, eating healthy meals, and participating in activities that bring satisfaction and relaxation. Self-care is a priority and will help you be stronger and more prepared to deal with stress.
10 .Be Faithful: Believe in your capabilities and believe that you’ve done all you can to prepare for the test. Be confident in yourself and your capability to face the challenges. Be aware that you are competent to handle whatever challenges come your way. Have confidence in your abilities to achieve your goals.
Practical Prep: 15 Unique Tips to Handle Exam Day Logistics
Double-check the Exam Details. Make sure you know the date, time and place of the test in order to avoid any late-night surprises or confusion.
Begin early. The best method to be prepared is to arrive at the test site early enough to accommodate any unexpected delays, such as the congestion of parking or traffic.
Make sure you have all the documents required. If you are taking an exam day, ensure that you have all of the necessary documents, including your ID card as well as exam registration confirmation with your.
essentials in the pack The pack includes necessary items such as pens, erasers and pencils. Also, you will find other stationery you may require to complete your test.
Wear comfortable clothes: Dress in comfortable clothes for exam time, so that you’re calm and focused.
Eat a balanced diet Fuel your body and mind with nutritious food prior to when you sit for the test to make sure you have enough energy for it.
Stay hydrated: Take an ice-cold drink with you to keep well-hydrated throughout the exam. The effects of dehydration on the cognitive performance and concentration.
Follow the Directions Follow the Instructions: Take your time. Read the entire exam’s instructions carefully and follow them precisely so that you don’t commit mistakes.
Make sure you are a good time-manager. Conduct a pace test to make sure that you are able to complete each section. Do not focus too much on one question if there are other questions.
Keep your cool when under stress. If you’re confronted with a difficult test, remain calm and try to solve the problem logically. Do not let one challenging test hinder your focus for the rest of the test.
Make use of Test Methodologies to improve your accuracy and efficiency. Utilize exam-related strategies such as skimming over the passages or underlining crucial information and eliminating answers that are clearly incorrect.
Review Your Answers When you’ve got time to examine your answers before you take your test to look for any errors or mistakes.
Trust Your Senses If you’re not sure about a decision, trust your gut your gut feelings. Too much thinking could lead to confusion and wasted time.
Maintain a positive outlook throughout the test, no matter if you are faced with difficulties. A positive mindset will aid you in staying concentrated and determined.
Be Proud of Your Hard Work When you pass the test it is important to appreciate your hard work and effort regardless of the results. You should be rewarded with something special to show your dedication and perseverance.